TrackMyMail™ Services offers any retailer an invaluable solution for a wide array of opportunities and challenges. Knowing exactly when your campaigns are reaching customers or prospects, you have a wealth of knowledge to position your business for success. Maximize the success of promotions. Optimize staffing for stores or call centers. Adjust inventory to meet demand. Overcome potential communications obstacles. Reduce customer service calls.
If your retail business relies on postal delivery for direct customer communications, TrackMyMail enables you to:
- Confirm mailpiece deliveries or delays.
- Predict in-home dates for sale or other timed events.
- Balance store or call center staffing effectively.
- Manage store inventories and product distributions.
- Identify and work around delayed promotional announcements.
- Decrease fraud potential with high-value mailings.
- Strengthen customer experiences.
- Eliminate unnecessary customer service calls.