Portrait Foundation
Overview | Key Features | Resources |
Seamlessly fulfill interactions during and after each customer engagement.
You've automated your marketing - but what about the processes that result from this marketing? Campaign management and CRM systems can leave a critical gap, which exposes your organization to manual and disjointed processes and the potential for a detrimental customer experience. These provisioning and fulfilling processes are critical for your organization to execute on your customer promise.
Portrait Foundation is a specialized platform that empowers your organization to develop and execute the provisioning and fulfillment processes that result from marketing and CRM activity. Now, you can automate, extend and evolve your existing environment for newfound levels of closed loop automation and efficiency - all in just a fraction of the time and effort of other CRM systems.
NOTICE: Because we offer many custom solutions, it is our policy not to post pricing on our website. Please contact our knowledgeable staff to select and price products that fit your organization's budget, number of users, IT environment, data requirements, support and training needs. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Seamlessly fulfill interactions during and after each customer engagement.