The first step towards intelligent geocoding and spatial analysis solutions in Australia.

Our street-level geocoding solutions let you utilize more accurate address data to ensure the highest levels of customer service.

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Premier geocoding and address cleansing solutions for your business interests in Australia

The MapMarker® Server Australia Geocoding Tool provides you with an industry leading solution for intelligent address cleansing and more accurate geocoding and spatial analysis.

It cleans and spatially prepares your address data for use in customer relationship management (CRM) applications, location-based services, e-commerce and other address-centric solutions.

So, whether you need to simply standardize a small customer database or drive a 1,000 seat call center - our geocoding and spatial analysis solutions rank among the best.

With our MapMarker® Server Australia Geocoding Tool, you can maximize the value of your business data mapping and analysis, and turn it into a competitive advantage in Australia.

Clean and fast Australian data with geocoding and spatial analysis solutions

Armed with a flexible, scalable, platform-independent architecture, our geocoding and spatial analysis solutions enable you to clean data and make fast, more accurate customer location decisions in Australia..

When you subscribe to our Australia Geocoding Tool, you'll benefit from semi-annual product updates and support, giving you peace of mind.

Contact us today for more information on how to put geocoding and spatial analysis solutions to work for you in Australia.

Key features of the MapMarker® Server Geocoding Tool's geocoding and spatial analysis solution for Australia

The MapMarker® Server Australia Geocoding Tool equips you with the geocoding and spatial analysis solutions needed to successfully meet even the most demanding geocoding requirements in Australia.

Our Australia Geocoding Tool lets you:

Employ automatic and interactive geocoding solutions

Use automatic mode for first pass geocoding and spatial analysis, and interactive mode to select the best match for unmatched records.

Clean and standardize Australia address data

A high match rate is ensured by utilizing fuzzy logic and Soundex indexing to manage misspellings, data errors and omissions, and comparing your geocoding and spatial analysis data to the most comprehensive address file in Australia.

Generate Australia street intersection geocoding solutions

A standard input format of Street 1 and Street 2 generates coordinates of Australian street intersections, based on the StreetPro® road network.

Attach geocoding and spatial analysis attributes on the desktop

The attribution feature, available in the desktop version of our MapMarker® Server Australia Geocoding Tool, allows you to attach data from any table containing boundaries to geocoded records.

Process geocoding batches

Batch geocoding processes one or more tables without constant user interaction.

Determine matches with result codes

Determine whether a match was made, and what portions of the address were used, to confirm the quality of the match.

Read your geocoding and spatial data in a variety of file formats

Read any .tab or .dbf format table.

Configure geocoding and spatial data to suit your needs

The graphical user interface is configurable to your needs, speeds up setup time and remembers the settings of a particular file needing for geocoding on a regular basis.

Select geocoding method

Select and prioritize a combination of geocoding methods, including street, postal code and locality.

Create output columns on the fly

Add columns automatically to your table to store coordinates, parsed addresses and result codes.

Find Australia addresses quickly

The search feature allows you to type in a single Australian address record and a complete Australian address will be returned if there is a match, along with the coordinates.

Enjoy quick geocoding

The geocode button allows you to click and go. The table will be geocoded with the current preferences without displaying the geocode dialog.

Validate Australia addresses with G-NAF

Validate Australian address details in a nominated file based on the records contained in G-NAF. Level of granularity includes unit and flat address prefix.

Define Australia user address dictionaries

User address dictionaries are created by you from your own source data and composed of StreetPro Australia data. There is no limit on the number of custom dictionaries you can create.

Find out more about our geocoding and spatial analysis solutions for Australia.

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