Combining point-to-point calculations with miles or minutes functionality

Calculate routes, determine points within a boundary and move goods from one point to another at the lowest possible cost.

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Travel Routing Software

If your business depends on the transportation of goods, use our travel routing software to find out the lowest cost option that works for you. Calculate routes and determine points along the way to optimise the way your goods are delivered and increase the efficiency of your company.

Our travel routing software uses location intelligence and sophisticated algorithms to provide reliable, accurate data and create the optimum delivery route for your goods. This additional information can help you with logistical, marketing and network performance decisions.

Features of our travel routing software

Our Spectrum Enterprise Routing Module is part of the Spectrum Technology Platform and works to assist your business in a number of areas. From operations to customer care, travel routing software can help you by:

  • Calculating distances in miles or minutes
  • Mapping out the most efficient routes
  • Setting travel boundaries
  • Targeting more effectively
  • Determining service eligibility
  • Reducing shipping costs

In addition to these fantastic features, our travel routing software is designed with you in mind. User-friendly and easy to navigate, there couldn't be a simpler solution that delivers more powerful results to your company.

Learn more about the key features of our travel routing software

How your business can benefit from travel routing software

Your business can benefit from our travel routing software in a number of ways. It can help you to:

  • Identify key target markets
  • Establish sales in certain areas
  • Weigh up risk in certain areas
  • Understand proximity of competition
  • Filter potential customers
  • Improve driving efficiency

To find out more about our travel routing software and how it can help improve your business, contact us.

Our travel routing software is filled with features to help you to calculate routes efficiently, set travel boundaries and identify gaps in your service, so you can improve efficiency, reduce costs and increase ROI.

Outstanding route mapping capabilities

The Spectrum Enterprise Routing Module features a superb 'Get Directions' tool, which can supply you with routing information between two distinct points or between multiple points. The software will access up-to-date databases for the specific countries you select, in order to give you the most accurate travel routing information possible.

You can use this to help you improve delivery times and reduce fuel, maintenance and manpower, or integrate the software with your website, so your customers can access precise, easy-to-understand information.

Superb travel boundary setting tools

Our travel routing software's 'Create Travel Boundary' tool allows you to set travel boundaries according to the area that can be covered within a certain amount of time or based upon points within a certain distance of each other.

This can help you identify any areas that cannot be reached within the desired time or distance, and any locations that fall outside traditional travel boundaries that can be reached within a desired time or distance, so you increase efficiency, as well as providing you with information for targeting and service eligibility.

The Spectrum Enterprise Routing Module also features a 'Within Boundary' component. This takes latitude and longitude coordinates and instantly determines whether a specific point is within a pre-defined travel boundary.

Depending on your business needs, these travel boundaries can coincide with:

  • flood zones
  • rating territories
  • sales territories
  • individual store markets
  • congressional districts
  • other business-specific zones.

Simple to use and integrate

The Spectrum Enterprise Routing Module is easy to use and can be integrated into your business operations seamlessly.

You can apply default settings through a user-friendly, centralized Management Console, while your business units can customize the output to suit their own needs. You can even integrate in-house data, including customer records and network locations, and run analysis in batch or real-time mode.

Contact us for more details about our travel routing software.

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