Automated address updates and enterprise data management.

Alleviate the cumbersome, manual process of correcting customer addresses with automated address updates from Aura.

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Automated Address Updates 

Aura software is designed to help companies handle address changes in a consistent and documented process, maintaining the most current contact information while complying with industry standards and regulations. With automated address updates, you will benefit by improved customer communications, stronger brand loyalty and reduced churn

In addition, you will be better able to identify up-sell opportunities and act upon them with automated address updates from Aura.

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Close the loop on enterprise address management

Aura, one of our unique mail efficiency solutions, reads output from address hygiene tools, such as Verimove, Finalist or CODE-1 Plus. It uses the information from these engines to alert and notify address owners to anomalies within their customer data with an automated process.

After an alert from Aura, the address owner can approve, reject or determine if customer permission is required to make the recommended address updates. The address owner’s response is then routed back to Aura and the solution updates the system of record. This easy-to-use, end-to-end solution for automated address updates takes Aura from a "nice to have" tool to a business necessity which will yield a tremendous ROI.

Reduce return mail costs with automated address updating

The hard costs of returned mail have skyrocketed in recent years. The impact costs - the lost offer, missed opportunity and missing statement - usually spark customer dissatisfaction and churn. Aura address updates eliminate both the hard and impact costs. Use it and watch your costs plummet and your customer satisfaction soar.

Aura software’s powerful engine can help:  Enhance mailing efficiency processes

Aura software picks up where other automated address processes leave off. It interprets output from CASS and Move Update products and reports address changes, providing automated service for undeliverable mail, change of addresses or incomplete customer information. It flags discrepancies and enables address owners to take action. Take back control of your customer data with Aura software.

Preserve postage discounts by meeting USPS requirements

Businesses love USPS discount postage because it allows them to stay in communication with their customers and save money. Aura automated updates help you comply with the Move Update requirements and preserve your postage discounts.

Connect with customers, accurately

Companies often make the big mistake of not knowing their customer, and this can routinely be tied to address problems. This mistake impacts customer experience, but also revenue and productivity. Aura automated customer address updates can help you connect, minimizing customer churn and providing a better overall customer experience.

Ensure industry regulatory compliance with automated processes

Aura software alleviates compliance headaches through automated updates. Embedded in Aura, you'll find actions based on USPS regulations and other industry related regulatory requirements, such as HIPAA and SEC requirements. In today’s environment, no one wants the pain and expense of being out of compliance. Aura software makes meeting compliance obligations automated.

Raise awareness of customer address issues through automated report capabilities

When address errors occur, time is of the essence. With Aura software’s automated reporting capabilities, address owners quickly know when an address error or discrepancy occurs. Constantly updated reports ensure automated processes have not stalled, keeping address owners and their managers informed about all data-related issues and opportunities. With Aura software, time saved is money saved.

Identify potential upsell opportunities by address updates

When a customer changes their address, it could well signal any of a number of life-changing events, giving you an opportunity to expose existing customers to new products or services. However, you must be able to respond both quickly and accurately. Aura software can help companies manage customer address changes according to the requirements of their specific industry and business. It closes the loop so you can focus on your customer.


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