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Many customers have expressed their preference to receive software and data maintenance updates through digital download instead of getting boxes containing hard-copy media.


For those products which previously only had a hard-copy media delivery option, we started the transition from physical delivery of product maintenance updates to digital download using our online stores beginning in June 2011.  By using digital download, you will receive your update from 1 to 6 weeks sooner than if we ship boxes of our products.  It is also a much more environmentally friendly way of delivering product than shipping boxes of media and packaging.    

Our MapInfo Professional maintenance update in July was much improved, based on the feedback we received from you the first time we used the eStore for fulfillment. We still acknowledge the concerns raised about the ease of receiving and forwarding accurate license information for our customers, and we are working on a long-term solution to make that process much easier.

As of August 1, 2012 we now have over 100 products migrated to the eStore as the primary source for maintenance. The eStore provides the fastest option to download and receive software and also has a purchase option for backup media for our customers who still desire that format.

Beginning in August, our Australia and EMEA regional fulfillment organizations also started the process of migrating regional products to the eStore for fulfillment via electronic download. Look for notifications from your regional offices with respect to updates being available on the eStore

For the remainder of 2012, we will continue to work on bringing maintenance updates of our, Spectrum product and modules, Mailstream Plus and Centrus data products to the eStore. When these products are ready, you will receive an email notification a month prior to the switch for any products you have under maintenance and a special online store link to complete your download transaction.