<!--#include virtual="/includes/2012/head.inc" --> <title>pbSmart Codes Professional Design Services Acceptance of Terms of Use</title> <META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT=""/> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT=""/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/includes/css/sis_Licensetermsofuse.css"> </head> <body class="editorial_page " > <!--#include virtual="/includes/2012/global-nav.inc" --> <div id="container"> <!-- #include file="/includes/2012/nav.inc" --> <div id="main" role="main" class="old-template"><a name="main"></a> <div class="pb-pgContainer"> <div class="pb-pgContainerContents"> <div id="pb-pgBody" class="clearfix"><a name="skipNav"></a> <div id="pb-pgBodyContents" class="clearfix"> <div id="pageContent"> <div id="pageHeader" class="clearfix"> <h1>pbSmart Codes Design Services Terms of Use</h1> <ul id="navPageUtils" class="xhNavList"> <li class="printLink"><a href="javascript:print();"> Print </a></li> </ul> <div id="shareBlock" class="clearfix"> <span class="localHeader">share this product:</span> <a class="shareLink" id="shareOnFacebook" href="#">Facebook</a> <a class="shareLink" id="shareOnDigg" href="#">Digg</a> <a class="shareLink" id="shareOnDel" href="#">Del.icio.us</a> </div> </div> <div id="informationBlock" class="clearfix"> <div id="editorialInformation"> <h2></h2> <p><p><font color="#595959">In order to execute this Statement of Work you must have a valid account (a "PB Account"), have completed the pbSmart™ Codes on-line product registration process, have a current and paid subscription to one of the subscription plans, and have read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions and Mail Terms of Service by clicking on the "I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions and Mail Terms of Service" button which is a required step to successfully complete the aforementioned pbSmart™ Codes on-line product registration process. By agreeing to this Statement of Work, you further acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use and the terms of our privacy statement located at</font> <a href="http://www.pb.com/legal/privacy-statement.shtml">www.pb.com/legal/privacy-statement.shtml</a> <font color="#595959">(the "Privacy Statement"), which is incorporated into the Terms of Use.<br /><br />1. <strong>Project Description Summary:</strong> If you choose to employ our pbSmart Codes Design & Development Professional Services, and you pay the appropriate fee as set forth in Section 4 Fees and Payment, we will provide the design, development, deployment, hosting and other consulting services requested by you as specified in Section 3 Project Scope. We will perform the Professional Services in accordance with the standard delivery schedule as set forth in Section 9 Delivery Schedule.<br /><br />2. <strong>Codes Page Design, Development and Hosting Service Plans:</strong> You are choosing pbSmart™ Codes Page Design & Development Professional Services to provide the following services for your company based on the Subscription Plan you choose: Standard, Preferred or Professional: <br /> a. After this statement of work has been signed and we have received your payment, we will contact you to gather your requirements and start designing and developing the QR Codes and/or Mobile Campaign. We will schedule and provide two review sessions for any revisions before the final build is published.<br /> b. After we receive your final approval and your Smart QR Codes goes live with a Mobile Campaign, we will provide up to 3 minor revisions to the Mobile page limited to a maximum of one hour. We will provide training so you can make updates on your own.<br /><br />3. <strong>Project Scope:</strong> This section defines the tasks and deliverables that both parties agree to. Pitney Bowes will: <br /> a. Schedule an initial teleconference meeting with you to discuss your pbSmart Codes requirement<br /> b. Once we have gathered your requirements we will begin the design and development work. When the development is done, we will schedule a meeting with you to review your pbSmart Codes to make any revisions needed.<br /> c. Once you are satisfied with your pbSmart Codes, we will ask for final approval to go live and then publish it.<br /> d. You agree to the following: <br /> i. Provide us with everything we need to complete your pbSmart Code.<br /> ii. Review the pbSmart Codes and/or Mobile campaign page; provide feedback and sign-off on final approval within 1-2 business days of when we submit it to you.<br /><br />4. <strong>Fees and Payment:</strong> The price for the pbSmart Codes design is based on the plan that you purchase in Section 2 pbSmart Codes Design, Development and Hosting Service Plans. In order to begin work, payment must be received. Payments can be made on our page </font><a href="http://www.pbsmartcodes.com/">www.pbsmartcodes.com</a> <font color="#595959">from the Plans & Pricing page or we can accept credit cards payments over the phone.<br /><br />5. <strong>Change Management:</strong> Once you have provided final approval and your pbSmart Codes is live, you can manage updates in two ways: <br /> a. We will provide training to you and your employees so you can make updates to the Code or Mobile campaign page.<br /><br />6. <strong>pbSmart Codes Mobile campaign Hosting and Support:</strong> We will provide hosting services and support for the pbSmart Codes Mobile campaign page in accordance with these Terms of Use ("Hosting"). Hosting will meet reasonable commercial standards for, among other things, packet loss, accessibility, latency, availability, and throughput. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to minimize downtime of the pbSmart Codes Mobile campaign and our servers on which the pbSmart Codes Mobile campaign page is hosted, for maintenance, updates and revisions to the pbSmart Codes Page and other software, hardware and equipment associated therewith. Except as expressly set forth in these Terms of use, we make no representation, warranty, guaranty or other assurances regarding up-time of the pbSmart Codes Mobile campaign page or the availability or accessibility of the pbSmart Codes Mobile campaign page. We will maintain a complete and current copy of the pbSmart Codes Mobile campaign page on a server located at a remote location. In the event that service is interrupted to the pbSmart Codes Mobile campaign page, the remote server will be activated so that access to the pbSmart Codes Mobile campaign page continues without interruption. You will provide us with such cooperation as we reasonably request with respect to our obligations under these Terms of Use.<br /><br />7. <strong>Analytics:</strong> We will offer you consulting services to analyze, certain data with respect to the pbSmart Codes Mobile campaign page, for example, the number of visitors, the number of page views, by location, by device type, etc.. ("Analytic").<br /><br />8. <strong>Delivery Schedule:</strong> We will schedule time at your convenience to begin work on building your pbSmart Codes Mobile campaign page for you. This process typically takes only 2-3 days based on the complexity of your requirements and how quickly you review the design and provide final approval.<br /></font></p></p> </div> <div id="supplementalBlocks"> <!-- ###################### New Additions For Editorial Video 1 Starts ####################--> <div class="videoList"> </div> <!-- ###################### New Additions For Editorial Video 1 Ends ####################--> </div> </div> </div><!-- pageContent --> <div id="navigationBlock"> <!-- #include file="/includes/nav/Licensetermsofuse/Indexoftermsofuse/nav_Indexoftermsofuse.html" --> </div> </div></div></div></div> </div> <!--#include file="/includes/2012/fatfooter.inc"--> </div> <!--#include file="/includes/2012/footer.inc"--> <div id="globalHiddenContent"> <!-- ###################### New Additions For Editorial Video 2 Starts ####################--> <div id="modalVideoPlayer"> <div class="inner"> <div id="videoPlayer"> <div id='mediaspace'>This text will be replaced</div> </div> </div> <!-- inner --> <div id="relatedVideos"> <a class="prev browse left"></a> <div id="vidList" class="scrollable"> </div> <a class="next browse right"></a> </div> </div> <!-- ###################### New Additions For Editorial Video 2 Ends ####################--> <!--#include virtual="/includes/2012/region-select.inc" --> </div> <!--#include virtual="/includes/2012/footer-scripts.inc" --> <script src="/includes/js/sis_Licensetermsofuse.js"></script> </body> </html> <!--Deleting the last generated tesers Teasers--> <!-- Generating Text Promo Teaser --> <!-- Generating Short Description Snippet -->