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Get the most from your organization’s spatial data.
Match an offer to a consumer’s exact location. Ensure safety of all callers—mobile or landlines—by pinpointing a location. Bring social users together with retailers. Precision Reverse Geocoding from Pitney Bowes Software makes every mobile experience more relevant and more engaging.
How? Precision Reverse Geocoding empowers marketers to connect with individual consumers in real time via highly specific, personalized, time and location-based mobile messaging. Grabbing a mobile GPS signal from a consumer’s smartphone, it pinpoints where he or she is and translates the coordinates to an address. In a fraction of a second, that person’s current location can meld with key data, such as the person’s buying patterns, behaviors, preferences and influencers—and can be cross-referenced with nearby sites and stores. It makes personalized messaging more actionable by reaching consumers when and where they are most likely to buy.
See what Precision Reverse Geocoding can do for your industry below:
Josh buys a suit from a clothing store. He leaves the store trying to figure out where to go for shoes that coordinate with his suit. He uses his to search for a nearby shoe store and, while searching, an ad pops up for that store. Sold!
With Precision Reverse Geocoding, it’s now possible for retailers to use an app that sends promotions or deal messages to shoppers when they enter a store. Or, as in the story above, when a shopper makes one purchase, it can trigger an offer for a related purchase. Businesses benefit from increased opportunity, and customers benefit from having an easier way to discover what’s around them.
It’s late. The middle of nowhere; a sudden flat tire sends Susan spinning into the ditch. She calls 911, but isn’t exactly sure of her location. Fortunately, the 911 call center has Precision Reverse Geocoding. They pinpoint her location and send help, ASAP. Disaster averted!
Telecommunications companies are being required to have coverage on all areas, especially in case of dialing 911. While 911 calls were once traced back to landline addresses, with Precision Reverse Geocoding, location accuracy can be applied when emergency calls come in via mobile.
Mobile Ad Networks
Gerry’s in town for a work conference. He checks into his hotel via a social media site. After checking in, recommendations pop up for local hot spots and current promotions for the area.
Imagine traveling to a new city and receiving specific information on nearby, limited time events that appeal to your interests. Or, receiving offers for restaurants that are similar to your hometown favorites. Precision Reverse Geocoding can home in your location, enabling apps that use this information to send special offers—even using conference schedules to send offers around breaks and downtime. When a customer “checks in” with a social network or app, that information can help refine the conversation even further.
Social Networks
Mike posts from a local festival. The social network site he posted on has an advertising relationship with a mini mart that’s on Mike’s route home. Knowing it’s a hot day, an ad “For buy one, get one” sports drinks pops up on Mike’s page. Perfect timing.
The right message, at the right time. Precision Reverse Geocoding can help social networks use the information they already have (check-ins, geotagging, etc.) to send highly targeted—and highly relevant—offers.