Viewing Available Graphics

  1. Select anywhere within the envelope on the Run Mail screen. You can also select the Edit envelope link.

    Select the Graphic ad option from the list box on the left of the Edit envelope screen.

  2. The graphic images are displayed in the order in which they have been downloaded, with the newest appearing first.
  3. If your system has full color capability there will be 3 color filter buttons located directly under the image list.

    By selecting one of the filter buttons you can choose to display only those images that are in color, mono (black), or postal red. If your system has a mono and postal red printer, there will only be 2 filter option buttons. Systems having only the postal red printer do not have any filter option buttons since all the graphics are postal red.

  4. A graphic image which has a checkmark in front of it has been selected for placement in the Transpromotional zone of the mail piece.
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