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<p><!-- FLV file 
		 --><p><font color="#855b27"><strong>Dallas Theological Seminary</strong></font><br /><font color="#595959">Saving $39,000 on postal costs within the first six months made a believer of Rick Rice of the Dallas Theological Seminary.&nbsp; Not only is he pleased by the substantial postage savings generated by placing the right equipment to meet the challenges of a large institution and campus, Pitney Bowes provided free training for his team too!&nbsp; Now Rick and his mailroom staff are seen as the local experts and are routinely called upon for their mailing help and advice.</font></p><p><strong><font color="#855b27">Mailroom Challenges</font></strong><br /><font color="#595959">In this video, Rick discusses the challenges he faces within the large institution, ranging from tracking incoming packages to serving the needs of various departments across campus.</font></p><p>
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