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Not only is he pleased by the substantial postage savings generated by placing the right equipment to meet the challenges of a large institution and campus, Pitney Bowes provided free training for his team too! Now Rick and his mailroom staff are seen as the local experts and are routinely called upon for their mailing help and advice.</font></p><p><strong><font color="#855b27">Mailroom Challenges</font></strong><br /><font color="#595959">In this video, Rick discusses the challenges he faces within the large institution, ranging from tracking incoming packages to serving the needs of various departments across campus.</font></p><p> <div id="edFLV" style="float:left"> <script type="text/javascript"> var flashvars = {}; //defines name of html/javascript function that receives message that video has completely played flashvars.javaFunction="sis_Java"; //optional, xmlLocation, height, width: could be hardcoded or pulled from MediaBin metadata, flashvars.xmlLocation=""; //To test flv, upload url, change the 2 variables below //flashvars.videoLocation = "http://gonline.s3.amazonaws.com/CompanionPRINT09nologo.flv"; flashvars.videoLocation="http://gonline.s3.amazonaws.com/sis-education/Dallas_VP6_400K_320w.flv"; //if you do not want full screen, delete next line flashvars.fullScrLocation=""; //set the startframe in seconds from beginning of flv. 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